- Created on Monday, 20 April 2015 09:27
SANTEE, NE Nebraska Indian Community College (NICC) hosts a Lacrosse Exhibition for Area Youth
On Saturday, April 18, Nebraska Indian Community College in Santee hosted a Lacrosse Exhibition for area youth. A youth lacrosse team of Santee Dakota teens from Morton, MN came to host a demonstration of how lacrosse is played. During the exhibition, the group and all those in attendance were shown the basic fundamentals like grip and hand positions, how to throw and catch passing and were given the chance to play the Creators Game, as it is called. It was a scrimmage between the youth.
NICC had a great turn out for the event, estimating about 80 people attended. There were 31 youth from Santee alone as well as other youth and adults from Morton, MN, Flandreau, SD, and Yankton Sioux Tribe in South Dakota. Franky Jackson from Morton, MN gave the history of the game, the significance to the Dakota, and told that back then the playing field back then could have been up to a mile long, and could have consisted of up to a hundred players. He also told of how one of the Santee chiefs, Wabasha, way back then lost an eye to the game.
Despite the rain, the group chose to go ahead and play and not postpone the event. It was a lot of fun for the youth of Santee to be part of their own history and even adults were out there playing in the rain! That day brought life to the Dakota. They came to bring back medicine to the Santee youth, that medicine being Lacrosse, a game that was played for centuries among the Dakota and surrounding tribes in the Minnesota and great lakes area.
NICC would also like to thank the Santee Sioux Nation who provided lunch for everyone who attended the event. NICC is also hoping to host a tournament in the future.