This free online interactive training is designed for faculty and staff at all levels
within schools. It introduces
concepts that will help you understand what to do if a student is contemplating suicide,
and how to
ensure your school can appropriately respond to a suicide using postvention measures.
There are three
online training modules. Complete two of the three modules for the one-hour suicide
prevention training
requirement. Questions about this training may be answered by either calling 402-472-5678
or by sending
an email to: Website:
TARGET AUDIENCE: Any school staff member having contact with students (i.e., in addition
to required audience, para-professionals, administrative
secretarial staff, bus drivers, custodians, kitchen staff, etc.).
• 79-2, 145 & 79-2,146 REQUIRED AUDIENCE: All public school nurses, teachers, counselors, school psychologists, social workers, administrators and any other appropriate personnel are legislatively mandated to participate.
Suicide Awareness / Prevention Training For School Personnel Flyer